
Sophie Duvieusart

The short story of a wonderful discovery

Sore throat, loss of voice, bronchitis every year, and finally broncho-pneumonia… My body was sending me messages, and I wasn’t listening!

Yet it is thanks to this broncho-pneumonia that my life changed. Someone showed me three very simple energy exercises to boost my immune system. I really didn’t believe this would help me, but I started feeling much better. Additional energy exercises, combined with dietary changes, helped me get back on my feet.

However, I still felt very fragile. I figured I could come down with something else very easily. So I did some research to find out what I could do, and came across a book about EFT (Tapping).

I pursued my training in energy work and added various complementary methods to my practice.

Throughout this process, I did a lot of work on myself, applying the methods that I use with my clients today. People around me often tell me how calm and grounded I am. This has not always been the case, but with time, I learned to listen to my body. I feel good about myself and am comfortable with who I truly am… and I am healthy.

I truly believe that we have the power to help ourselves… we just don’t always know how. Let me assist you in this process.

Perfectly bilingual, I offer my services in both French and English. I work mainly in person and exceptionally by Skype. Access Consciousness® Body Processes are offered at my office only.


The Logo

The leaf (you) is stuck in emotions that prevent it from moving forward as it would like. It goes through the Coach to set itself free and blossom, advancing towards the light. All this is done with a smile.